Leadership Experience
Open Source @ Illinois
OpenDev Co-Director | Jun. 2023 - Present
- Supervise four projects in accessibility in CS, web-dev, AI/ML, and ECE, by providing feedback and ensuring goal achievement through periodic meetings.
- Optimize funding, coordinate recruitment, and organize workshops for skill enhancement.
EXPO Engineering Council
Reverse Career Fair Lead | Jun. 2023 - Present
- Facilitated communication between over 30 companies and RSOs to organize the \textit{Reverse Career Fair} which is targeted at providing a low-stress setting for RSO leads to interact and form connections with industry representatives.
- Spearheaded logistics and communication with companies and registered students on the day of.
Reflections Projections 2023, Association of Computing Machinery
Content Team Member | Jan. 2023 - Sep 2023
- Recruited keynote speakers, chief guests, educationists, and other sponsors and orchestrated communication with them.
- Organized 10+ tech talks by inviting speakers including Dr. Mark Guzdial from the University of Michigan and Dr. Josh Starmer from StatQuest.
Unmasking Sustainability
Co-Founder | Jun. 2021 - Jan. 2022
- Founded Unmasking Sustainability, a Non-Profit Organization; employed my school's female support staff who had lost their jobs, coordinated periodic meetings, gathered raw materials, and managed revenues to create a sustainable method of manufacturing masks.
- Sold over 800 masks; generated over 40,000 INR; donated over 200 masks over a period of 1 month.